Stepping Out in Faith

April 24, 2022 Series: Guest Preachers

Topic: Sermon Passage: Numbers 13:1–33

Guest preacher Mike Nerney is the Director of Missions for the Maine Baptist Association.

“Stepping Out in Faith” from Numbers 13

Big Idea: Even though there were challenges ahead, Joshua and Caleb were not afraid to step out in faith.

Application: Despite real challenges ahead, God calls His people to step out in faith.

Question: How can we gain the courage to step out in faith?

Answer: Our text reveals 3 sources of courage for stepping out in faith.

#1: You can step out in faith as you remember that the m__________ is c_________ by God. (13.1-2, 17-20a)

#2: You can step out in faith as you remember that the m_________________ are c______ by God. (13.2b-16)

#3: You can step out in faith as you remember that the m________ is c__________ by us. (21-33)

Application: I will ________ to maintain a godly attitude and move toward the mission together.

Monday Morning Challenge I will step out in faith trusting God with my future!

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