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Sermons from July 2014

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July 27, 2014

Prepare to Receive Your Inheritance

Speaker: Scott Terry Series: Joshua: God's Promise, Presence and Power Topic: Sermon Passage: Joshua 13:1–13:33

July 20, 2014

Preparing Us for Final Victory

Speaker: Scott Terry Series: Joshua: God's Promise, Presence and Power Topic: Sermon Passage: Joshua 9:1–12:24

July 13, 2014

Let's Try That Again

Speaker: Scott Terry Series: Joshua: God's Promise, Presence and Power Topic: Sermon Passage: Joshua 8:1–8:35

July 6, 2014

The High Cost of Disobedience

Speaker: Scott Terry Series: Joshua: God's Promise, Presence and Power Topic: Sermon Passage: Joshua 7:1–7:26